Your car has been in an accident. You look at your car and wonder who and how it will be repaired. Your fault or not you need to know that the work will be done properly and safely. Generally, the insurance company that you deal with, has preferred auto repair and collision shops that they will recommend to you after a collision. Your insurance company will give you the names and addresses of those shops and direct you to these preferred collision shops.
Should You Follow Their Suggestion?
Since these shops have a working relationship with your insurance company and are familiar with how to deal with you and your car, it may be quick, convenient, and easy for you to deal with them. But how do you make sure it is the right thing for your car and the best solution for you, the car owner? Are they putting your needs behind the insurance company’s need for best pricing? Is there a better way to get your car repaired that is right for you, the car owner?
What should you do?
My suggestion is to contact a collision and repair facility of your choice, one that is certified by the manufacturer to work on your car and most importantly, one that places your needs above the needs of the insurance company. Listen to their recommendation first and then decide where to take your car.
Work with an auto body shop that will act as your advocate and look out for your best interests. They will deal with your insurance company and make sure that your car is restored to its pre-accident condition. Call us and we will keep your best interest in mind and advocate for you and for your repair.
Ask your dealer who they recommend if you wish to confirm, they also would have your best interest in mind to get you to a shop that works on their brands of vehicles all the time. In our case, we are certified by many brands, right from the manufacturer.
Mike Tikl
Proud owner of Mitek Fine Autobody & Paint
Serving Kitchener, Waterloo. Cambridge, Guelph, and surrounding region since 1980
Your Fine Car Deserves our Fine Care